On January 2, 2008 Homeowner Data Services,
Inc (the Nation's
largest New Homeowner marketer) launched a NEW PRODUCT that will allow you to market your products and services
directly to the FEMALE New Homeowner.
You no longer have to sort through lists to find the female's name...
we have done it all for you! Our list is just FEMALES!!.. and the best part is you get a fresh new list every month
and you can maintain exclusive control of your zip codes.
Why New Homeowners?
- They are new to your area...reach them first!
- They need to be welcomed - what better way than Mary Kay!
- New homeowners are spenders - they spend more in the first 6 months
after buying a home than they will in the following 2 years.
How it works
- Select the zip codes you want and then order.
- You will receive a listing via email or mail list and labels.
- You receive a fresh new list every month.
- You control the zip codes exclusively!
- If the zip code you want is already sold, you can sign up on the waiting list.
the zip code becomes available you will be notified immediately.
- 25% to 35% of the names will come with phone numbers for follow up.
Over 500 Directors and Consultants have already subscribed to this service
and more are being added everyday. Sign up today! |